Berbincang lagi dengannya, pasti itu adalah tentang mimpi. mimpi-mimpi yang selalu ditinggal-tinggal. tau apa rasanya waku perbincangan ini terjadi lagi antara aku dan dia? mimpi itu terasa dekat. dekat sekali. dia adalah teman, satu dari yang lain yang buatku percaya aku bisa melompat menyentuh mimpi. satu dari teman yang membuat aku tenggelam lagi di negri khayalan. khayalan yang semula tampak semu. tapi ketika berbincang dengannya, mendadak semua tampak nyata, dan begitu -dekat-.
mungkin karena pikiran kita berada dalam satu frekuensi yang sama. talk bout dream with him feel like lock which finally found its matching key. Dia berpikir seperti caraku berpikir. terlebih lagi, dia mendengarkan setiap kalimat, kata, bahkan huruf yang terlontar dariku.
aku ingin bergegas lagi, mengumpulkan tenagaku, menyalakan api kecil. aku ingin mengejar mimpi itu. hay mimpi, tunggu aku! I'll catch you. Insya Allah.
Senin, 26 November 2012
Kamis, 22 November 2012
Hujan yang lembut
Saat seperti ini datang
Saat terangnya matahari digantikan awan kelabu
dan hujan yang lembut pun turun
teduh sekali
Hujan yang sunyi dan lembut
Yang senantiasa mengantarkan siapa saja terbang melayang menuju negri impian
Terlelap dalam keletihan hari yang begitu panjang
Rangkulan angin dingin
Dan suara gemericik air
Hanya itu...
Melodi hujan yang lembut
Seuntaian irama penenang
Hati yang gundah
dan hujan yang lembut pun turun
teduh sekali
Hujan yang sunyi dan lembut
Yang senantiasa mengantarkan siapa saja terbang melayang menuju negri impian
Terlelap dalam keletihan hari yang begitu panjang
Rangkulan angin dingin
Dan suara gemericik air
Hanya itu...
Melodi hujan yang lembut
Seuntaian irama penenang
Hati yang gundah
Little things, Girls vision
Your hand fits in mine
Like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind
It was meant to be
Can you joining up the dots
With the freckles on my cheeks?
will it all make sense to you?
You know I've never loved
The crinkles by my eyes when I smile
I've never loved
My stomach or my thighs
The dimples in my back at the bottom of my spine
But will you love them endlessly?
I can't go to bed,
Without a cup of tea,
And maybe that's the reason
That I talk, in my sleep
And all these conversations
will you keep that as a secret?
Though it makes no sense to you
you know I've never loved the sound of my voice on tape
I never want to know how much I weigh
I still have to squeeze into my jeans
am I perfect to you?
When everyone hurt you, Allah will take care of you
When everyone don't want to listen, Allah still there waiting for your story
When nobody's around you, Allah linger in your heart make sure you stay warm
When no one understand you, Allah is the only one know how to raise your faith
When no one stand for you, Allah give you a chance to make everything right and stand for yourself
When it feels like no one comeback, Allah send some other new to your life
When you think you lost, Allah would have found you
Allah give and take some in life, to keep it in a balance.
Be sincere, be khusnudzon, there are no bad plan if Allah whose planning it.
Thank you Allah.
When everyone don't want to listen, Allah still there waiting for your story
When nobody's around you, Allah linger in your heart make sure you stay warm
When no one understand you, Allah is the only one know how to raise your faith
When no one stand for you, Allah give you a chance to make everything right and stand for yourself
When it feels like no one comeback, Allah send some other new to your life
When you think you lost, Allah would have found you
Allah give and take some in life, to keep it in a balance.
Be sincere, be khusnudzon, there are no bad plan if Allah whose planning it.
Thank you Allah.
Kamis, 01 November 2012
You Don't Walk In anymore
I should have kept the door close
now I opened it and
he went out
and you came in
you stay long enough to create a warm and comfort
my heart is so warm and comfort when you are there
you ask me to lock you in
but I don't
so the door is still open
so you can walk out just as you please
and you really walk out
reaching for another door
I try to make it ok
believe that you are just common visitor
like the other
but why does my heart feel so empty
it's empty now
and you don't walk in anymore
so now feel like I lost all
no one walk in anymore
now I opened it and
and you came in
you stay long enough to create a warm and comfort
my heart is so warm and comfort when you are there
you ask me to lock you in
but I don't
so the door is still open
so you can walk out just as you please
and you really walk out
reaching for another door
I try to make it ok
believe that you are just common visitor
like the other
but why does my heart feel so empty
it's empty now
and you don't walk in anymore
so now feel like I lost all
no one walk in anymore
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